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Students & Families

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The garden offering bar at an elementary school

School Meals

Check our current breakfast and lunch meal offerings and learn about meal accommodations.

Food Services Page

generic calendar with 7 circled

Calendars & Bell Schedules

Find the schools bell schedules along with upcoming sports events, music and theatre performances along and other important school dates. A/B Calendar and Districtwide Key Dates can also be found here.

High School Calendar | Middle School Calendar | SLC Calendar | DTLC Calendar

Students on laptops in classroom.

Student Login Portal

Get access to online tools to support your student and family's success.

Get Technology Information

Links to Student Apps


Donate to support Roberts School

  1. Select ROBERTS HIGH SCHOOL for the school.
  2. Choose one of the 3 options under item:
    • RHS MIDDLE SCHOOL DONATIONS - for Roberts Middle School
    • RHS SENIOR CLASS DONATIONS - for Roberts' Graduating Class
    • RHS STUD BODY DONATIONS - for Roberts Student Body 
  3. Enter your donation amount.
  4. Click on the Buy button to add the donation to the Cart.
  5. Click on the Cart button.
  6. Click on Pay button and follow the form prompts.
Donate to support our schools!

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